Photo Courtesy: Jamila Woods
Jamila Woods | LSD feat. Chance the Rapper
Jamila Woods released the video for the dope track “LSD” featuring Chance the Rapper. The Chicago-based singer wanted the collaboration of the video to represent her hometown, so much so that she reached out to Chicago Public Schools to have its students have an input on the video.
Woods and Chance reached out to CPS and allowed aspiring filmmakers to submit their treatment for the video in order to have the opportunity to work on the video. Prosser Career Academy student Ashley Huicochea was selected as the winner and was able to shadow the directors Vincent Martell and Sam Bailey on the production.
Ashley Huicochea - Prosser Career Academy- 12 (graduated)- Treatment Winner/Director Shadow
Precious Ingram- Simeon Career Academy- 10/11- Wardrobe Shadow
Patricia Frazier- Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep- 12 (graduated)- Camera Shadow
Sara Gieger- Kenwood Academy- 12 (graduated) - Camera Shadow
Cleo Shine- Nicolas Senn High- 12 (graduated) - Camera Shadow
Emilio Nieto- Lindblom Math and Science Academy- 11/12- Art Direction Shadow
Jaylon Guyton- Bulls College Prep- 12 (graduated)- Art Direction Shadow
Matt LeGrande | All Good
Photo Courtesy: Interwind Agency
I must have Chicago on my mind because the next artist, Matt LeGrand also comes from the windy city. LeGrand is a pop singer who can play every instrument in the book, from guitar to drums. The 22 year old singer released the single “All Good” a few weeks ago which is the perfect summer track with an upbeat island vibes with catchy and empowering lyrics. Don’t let the good looks fool you, “All Good” is all about enjoying life but also to have self-care and being okay with yourself.
From Cardi B to Taylor Swift, the songs that help cement that summer in quarantine wasn’t too awful.